Monday, February 23, 2009

The Little Storm That Might Miss Us...

Well, today was supposed to be my first day back at school after vacation. Everything was ready to go. The weather forecast had been predicting a storm that probably wouldn't be a big deal for us and might even miss us. Yesterday, they predicted that we would get a storm and a winter storm warning was in effect for the whole state. It was estimated that we would get 6-12" in my area, but it would be over well before daybreak. I thought for sure I would have school today. Got up at 5:00am and we had no cable and no internet, no water, but we did have electricity. I looked out the window and it was still snowing and blowing pretty hard. Since I had no way to see/hear the news I had to call up a fellow teacher to find out if we had school or not. Nope, school closed.

Two things ran through my mind - 1) my surveyor again would have to postpone going to my land to place the pegs (grrrrr) and 2) I gotta get outside and help dig us out of this mess. (I can feel the aches and pains already!)

I was not prepared for the sight I saw before me when I headed out the door. This little insignificant storm of ours did this...

Yep, this little insignificant storm dropped more than 18" of very wet, heavy snow!

We also lost a couple of trees...

It's a good thing this was a little insignificant storm, because I would hate to see what a significant storm looks like! I do have to say, however, that it is very beautiful!