I still sat, watched and waited hoping for something, anything to flash through the sky and break through the cloud cover. Unfortunately the sensored light on the shed and that of the neighbors across the way lit up the night sky making it that much more difficult to create a good viewing for the promised spectacular show. Needless to say, I was quite disappointed.

Determined to experience something worthy of staying up all night, I didn't give up. I continued to sit and watch and listen. I'm so glad I did, because although I never saw any sign of a meteor, I was seduced ever so pleasantly by the dawning of a new day, allowing myself to completely succumb to it's magic.

There were times as I sat there that were a bit eerie and spooky. The night sounds so different here in the country. I heard sounds I recognized and some I didn't. I heard owls, bats and various night animals. The most deafening of the sounds was that of the constant chirping of the crickets. Together they made up an eerie night song that lulled me into it's dark arms. I closed my eyes for a bit, relaxed and took it all in.

Once I opened my eyes I realized the sky was starting to brighten a bit. Still no meteors shooting across the sky, but I heard the wake up call of a rooster off in the distance. Suddenly, as if on cue the morning melody of the waking song birds began to infiltrate the song of the night.

Together they sang as the sky danced and began to light up with flaming shades of pinks, purples, blues and oranges. I was afraid the cloud cover would ruin the sun's rising, but instead it seemed to allow the beautiful colors to blend even more into the brightening sky. As dawn approached, the night song bowed out and the morning melody rang loudly as if to encourage the sun to inspire me with it's brilliant beauty - bringing the crowning glory of the dawn...

The dawn of a brand new day...

Oh yeah! It was worth staying up for and I am not the least bit disappointed. What a miracle it is to watch night turn into day. I've watched sunrises before, but I truly experienced this one in it's entirety and all by myself. Oh, what a wonderful world! Now, after a few hours of sleep I am rejuvenated and ready to welcome this brand new day.